Available courses

During the course, students will learn the use of three programming languages with the aim of using them in the development of e-learning materials. Students will learn the principles of HTML language and develop various practical assignments. Students will learn the object-oriented language of Java, both basic principles and their application in various methods. HTML and Java languages will be used in the Android Studio environment. Students will learn and do practical work in the Kotlin language. The language that is being developed and used to develop Android applications.

Paraugkurss TELECI/ARTSS tehnoloģijas pielietošanai Moodle vidē. Kurā ietverti pamatelementu veidošanas paraugi un skaidrojumi, tā mērķis ir sniegt pasniedzējam nepieciešamo informācijas tehnoloģijas prasībām atbilstoša kursa sagatavošanai.

Kurss paredzēts 5., 6., 9. un 12. klašu skolēniem. Kursa veidošanā izmantoti "Tava klase" video materiāli.

Visaptverošā kvalitātes vadība

Vizuālā programmēšana ar Scratch